Morogoro - Dodoma - Makutupora SGR Project - Tanzania
Yapı Merkezi is starting the execution of the Morogoro – Makutupora Section of the SGR Railway Project in Tanzania. The 1,924 Billion USD Project is the second phase of East Africa's fastest railway line connecting Dar as Salaam to Mwanza, known as the Central Corridor.
Yapı Merkezi will construct the Project on a turn-key basis comprising of all infrastructure and superstructure works, including technological parts such as electrification and signaling. The total length of the railway will be 409 kms along with workshop, depot and siding tracks and the Project will be completed within 36 months. The Project is part of the Central Corridor which will connect Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania, and provide access to the Indian Ocean for all related countries.
After its completion, the Morogoro and Makutupora railway is expected to make a major contribution to the overall economy of Tanzania, especially in the fields of trade and tourism.