Merzifon Business and Life Center
On Consumption – Space – Meta
When we look at today's conditions, the changing production-consumption relations do not only affect the design, production or advertisement of commercial objects; It has given birth to factors that redefine and design that affect society, daily life and especially the individual at first hand. The rapid change of today's world has re-created the society, the individual and the space in a capitalist perspective. While the individual becomes a productive and exhausted tool; The spaces in which daily life passes, especially consumption and business spaces have turned into produced and consumed volumes.
The last 300 years of humanity have created an economic business system with commercial and vital breakthroughs. However, this has become a “virtual reality” that organizes daily life according to its own dynamics by leaving a business system of capital. This system, which gives many freedoms to the individual in his life, has turned the individual into a machine and a tool. Dreams and dreams are presented to societies in prison-like spaces called neon cages of the postmodern world. It was inevitable that consumption in shopping malls and uninterrupted working in sanitized offices were the key to happiness in a period of 60 years, from televisions to smart phones with mass media. People who seek the way to be happier, richer, healthier and more beautiful and their places are presented as reality. The reflection of this search for virtual reality in the spatial environment has found itself in the shopping mall with the most beautiful clothes and looking at the shop windows, like the female character he loves in a television series. While life for human beings passes through these new spaces that are constantly "constructed", they live life in closed boxes disconnected from real life and nature, accompanied by artificial street, water and tree arrangements. Among these newly constructed spaces, especially in shopping malls where commerce is systematically changing, themes, showcases or decors have become timeless and multi-characterized.
Today, “let's make a shopping mall!” change is the result of the commodification of new generation spaces. The commodification of the space is a chosen volume; “not living” was the postmodern culture of space that today's world offers us. We all imagine in our minds that we live elsewhere, take a vacation on a beautiful beach, or explore different places. The idea behind the creation of the space with themed masks as a commodity rather than being lived was also based on these internalized dreams of human beings.
However, although the time-character relationship of an inn or covered bazaar was much stronger, it had difficulty keeping up with the times. The old commercial buildings in the city centers have been deprived of both infrastructure and commercial protection. The coexistence of factors such as parking lots, toilets, eating and drinking places or entertainment in shopping centers has become the only option for the new generation individuals who can easily reach many parts of the city with its speed. However, when we look at trade and business areas throughout history, we see that these historical places are friendly and lively places that host social interaction. The bazaar was the place where almost all of a day in the social life of the people in the city was spent during the Ottoman period. They usually consisted of 2-storey structures with a rectangular plan, a courtyard and a cloister in the middle. Together, these structures formed a trading center.
In the early ages, Amasya, located on the trade route from Tarsus to Samsun, reached the sea with small-tonnage ships navigating on the Yeşil River. With this feature, it stands out as an important city with its economic dimension in the Ottoman period. The mint in the city of the period is an indicator of this economic activity. The presence of Iranian silks shows the geographical influence of Amasya. The history of Merzifon, which is the largest district of Amasya, dates back to BC. It dates back to 5500 years. Being located in the interior of the Central Black Sea region, it has an important position in terms of the bond it establishes with Central Anatolia.
T.R. Merzifon Municipality Business and Life Center competition area is in the commercial center of the district, which has preserved its history and texture. The covered bazaar in the center of Merzifon has become the center of the trade area and has been able to carry its influence until today. Taş Han, shops, arcades and workshops and the commercial district of Merzifon still exist today. Thanks to Cumhuriyet Caddesi, it is connected to the main artery of the city traffic. In the future, the business and life center has a great importance in the southwestern part of Cumhuriyet Street and in the future gaining a commercial activity towards the southwest of the district.
Looking at the historical background, we can see that there are commonalities in the forms of values that Amasya and Merzifon have. B.C. There is a two-thousand-year-old structural connection between the vault forms in the Pontus king rock tombs carved into the limestone rocks in the 3rd century and the arches of the courtyard-arcade structures in Merzifon in the Ottoman period. It is aimed that the form takes reference from the past with a modern, simple style and can establish a stronger context in the future with its location.
The fact that the construction area is approximately 28m x 47m has made it appropriate to divide the modulation squarely with 7-meter axles. The facade of the vault module is 7 meters and its depth is 28 meters. By designing the vault end at a height of 15.50 meters and duplicating the module, the functions were placed.
The possibility of creating difficulties in the perception of the multi-functional structure, which the building contains with a single block, arose. For this, it was deemed appropriate to divide the building mass into two and create an alley-passage. In addition, the living center and office-trade blocks are separated. The inner street joins with Kargaoğlu Street and connects the building to the northwest of the city. The passage has a width of 5.15 meters remaining after 6 modules of the 47-meter-long area.
The building is rationally divided into two high vaulted sections. The program has been resolved within 28*28 m and 28*14 m base areas. The Life Center, which is the closest to the squares and Cumhuriyet Street, and the office and business blocks separated by a passage. The top vaulted floors of these three blocks are reserved for special functions. The upper floor of the block where the workplaces and commerce are located is the restaurant, the top floor of the Life Center is a multi-purpose hall, and the top floor of the block where the offices are located is designed to host events such as promotion-cocktails, business meetings-meetings.
Life Center
The public terrace of the Life Center block on the ground floor distributes its visitors to the upper floors with a waiting area at the entrance. On the first floor, there are co-working and instrument study areas, as well as executive and instructor rooms. There are also semi-open areas where students can spend time together during break times. On the second floor, there are education and administrative units and semi-open common areas where students can meet. The third floor is designed as a multi-purpose hall, as undivided as possible and as 6.5 meters in two floors. If desired, exhibitions, presentations or workshops can be held.
Business & Commercial Center
The ground floor houses the entrance, public terrace and public units that provide access to the shops and workplaces on the upper floor. Still, two shops directly related to the public (barber and grocery store) are easily accessible on the ground floor. The first floor is reserved for artisan businesses, with a strong relationship with the ground floor for the residents of the old state building. (Shoe maker, clothing sales, tailor, jeweler, draper, shoe dye, leather maker, computer maker, lawyer, civil engineer, pharmacy, Turkcell and Dijiturk dealers) The kitchen, which is intended to serve tradesmen, is also in the center with the core. On the second and third floors, there are free commercial spaces that can be used as restaurants, shops and cafes. The fourth floor is reserved for a fully qualified restaurant.
A total of 12 office spaces have been created on three floors starting from the ground floor. There are toilet groups serving office areas, kitchen, photocopy room and cloakroom around the core. The top floor is the place where commercial presentations and meetings can be made, which can be customized when necessary.
Basement Floors
There are warehouses, shelter, medium-low voltage control rooms, scada and power units on the basement first floor, along with a parking garage for 36 cars and bicycles. On the second floor of the basement, there is a car wash unit, boiler room, gray water tank unit room and UPS power room.